

 Innovative method of third tonsil examination




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Discover a new generation device allowing you to examine the third tonsil



Third tonsil – what is it?

Third tonsil is a kind of ‘guard’ that protects us from infections.

It is located in the throat and, unfortunately, cannot be seen with a naked eye

It starts to develop just after birth and reaches its maximum size when the child is 3-6 years old. After 7 years of age, it slowly disappears, since its role in the developing immune system becomes less important.


If small, its presence has a positive effect. Then it protects the child’s organism from germs penetrating into the respiratory tract. However, if too big, it may cause trouble.




In little children, tonsils are the first “line of defence”; they come into contact with bacteria and viruses penetrating the body through the nose and mouth. To become more efficient in capturing hostile ‘intruders’, they grow. In normal conditions, after the child is cured, the tonsil decreases its size; however, if infections are frequent, or the child suffers from allergy, it fails to return to its previous size.
To sum up, the third tonsil may become enlarged for 3 reasons:

  • recurrent bacterial and viral infections
  • allergies to airborne and food allergens
  • congenital tonsil hypertrophy


Problems with the third tonsil

Permanently enlarged third tonsil causes nuisance for a child.

Symptoms are quite specific


If at least two of the above symptoms occur, a laryngological consultation and examination are necessary, since only a doctor may assess the condition of the third tonsil.



Examination with our device ensures: